Curriculum Vitae
o. Professor Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Burkhart Bromm
Director Institute for Physiology, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf,
Martinistr. 52, D-20246 Hamburg, Germany, 1977 - 2000
Home: Beseler Allee 9, 24105 Kiel; Germany; Tel: (+49) 431 570 89 40.
Born at June 30, 1935, in Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Married with Dr. med. dent. Thessa Bromm. Children: Dr. med. Karen Jürgens, Dr. jur. Boris Bromm.
Academic Education:
Studies of Physics, Mathematics and Philosophy in Tübingen, Hamburg,Kiel;
Dr. rer. nat. (Physics), Kiel, Germany.
Studies of Medicine in Tübingen, Kiel;
Dr. med. Marburg, Germany; approbation as physician Kiel.
Habilitation (PhD) Physiology, Kiel 1969.
Academic Career:
Postdoctoral Fellow, Physiology, at University Kiel 1965 - 1969
Guest Researcher at Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology, Stockholm,
1967 and 1971 (Prof. Granit, Prof. Frankenhaeuser).
Receive and accept call for Professor in Physiology
Director Dept Electrophysiology Ruhr University Bochum 1972,
Receive and accept call for Full Professor in Physiology,
Director Dept. Neurophysiology, University Hamburg, 1973.
Managing Director of the Institute of Physiology, University Hospital Hamburg
1977 - 2000.
Presidential Board of the German Physiological Society, 1997 - 1999
President of the German Physiological Society 1998.
Guest Professor National Institute Okasaki, Japan, 1996/7.
Current Position:
Professor emeritus since October 2002,
(teacher, examiner) in Physiology at Hamburg University Hospital. Member of the Academy of Sciendes in Hamburg.
More than 500 publications (books and chapters, articles, abstracts) in relevant Scientific Journals. Author in Textbooks of Physiology and of Pain Treatment.
Editor of:
"PAIN MEASUREMENT IN MAN", Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984;
"PHYSIOLGIE AKTUELL" (mit Lübbers und Koepchen),
G. Fischer, Stuttgart, Vol. 1 - 3 (1984 - 1986).
Raven Press, New York, 1995.
(with Sandkühler and Gebhardt)
Vol. 129, Progress in Brain Research 543 pages, Elsevier (2000)
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 167 Seiten (2004). "VON DER FREIHEIT, SCHMERZ ZU SPÜREN" (mit Wolf) De Gruyter, Berlin, 169 Seiten (2017)
Organiser of the 3rd Congress of the European Neuroscience Association
(with O. Creutzfeldt), 1983;
Organiser of the Satellite Symposium “Pain measurement in Man”, 1983;
Local organiser of the 5th World Congress on Pain (with M. Zimmermann), 1987
Member of the Editorial Board of the EEG Journal 1991 - 1996.
Member of the Scientific Program Committee of the Internat. EEG Congr., Rio 1991.
Organiser of the Satellite Symposium “Pain and the Brain”, Beaune 1993;
German delegate at the Internat. Physiol. Congr., St. Petersburg, 1996.
President of the 88th Congress of the German Physiological Society Hamburg, 1998;
President of the Congress of the German IASP Chapter Hamburg 2000.
Honorary membership of the German Pain Society; Honorary membership of the German Society for the Therapy of Pain; Member of the Jungius Society of Science;
Member of the Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg;
Member of the German Physiological Society, and orthers. Invited lecturer on many national and international congresses;
Consultant reviewer of Brain Res., Exp. Brain Res., Pfügers Ar¬ch.,
J. Physiol., EEG-Journal, Europ. J. Pain, Psychophysiology,
Physiology and Behaviour, Neuropsychobiology, IEEE, PAIN.
Prices: Deutscher Schmerzpreis 1998.
The author's research was permanently supported by the "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft", by the Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie: Chronischer Schmerz, and others.
Hamburg, May 2017