Publications (selection)
Numbers corresponding publication list
Membrane Physiology
Bromm B and Frankenhaeuser B (9)
Numerical calculation of the response in the myelinated nerve to short symmetrical double pulses. Pflügers Arch. 229, 357-363 (1968)
Bromm B (16)
Sodium inward rectification and repetitive activity in the nodal membrane. (Natrium-Gleichrichtung und repetitive Aktivität der Schnürringmembran). Habilitationsschrift für Physiologie an der Medizinische Fakultät Kiel (1969)
Bromm B and Frankenhaeuser B (22)
Repetitive discharge of the excitable membrane computed on the basis of voltage clamp data for the node of Ranvier. Pflügers Arch. 332, 21-27 (1972)
Bromm B, Schwarz JR, Ochs G (75)
A quantitative analysis of combined potential and current clamp experiments on the single myelinated nerve fibre of Rana esculenta J. Theoret. Neurobiol. 1, 120 133 (1981)
Receptor Physiology
Bromm B, Hensel H, Tagmat A (36)
The electrosensibility of the isolated ampulla of Lorenzini in the dogfish. J. Comp. Physiol. 111, 127 136 (1976)
Bromm B and Tagmat A (46)
Regression analysis of non stationary discharges in neurons; adaptation in the electrosensory afferent of dogfish. Biol. Cybernetics 28, 41 49 (1977)
Akoev GN, Andianov RG, Szabo T, Bromm, B (255/256)
Neuropharmacological analysis of synaptic transmission in the Lorenzinian ampulla of the skate Raja clavata. J Comp Physiol A 168, 639-646, 647 - 652 (1991)
Bromm B, Scharein E (82)
Response plasticity of pain evoked reactions in man. Physiol. Behavior 28, 109 116 (1982)
Bromm B, Neitzel H, Tecklenburg A, Treede RD (96)
Evoked cerebral potential correlates of C fibre activity in man. Neurosci. Letters 43, 109 114 (1983)
Bromm B, Meyer W, Scharein E (95)
Antagonism between tilidine and naloxone on cerebral potentials and pain ratings in man. Europ. J. Pharmacol. 87, 431 440 (1983)
Chen CAN, Treede RD, Bromm B (145)
Tonic pain inhibits phasic pain: Evoked cerebral potential correlates in man. Psychiatry Research 14, 343 351 (1985)
Bromm B, Meier W, Scharein E (161)
Imipramine reduces experimental pain. Pain 25, 245 257 (1986)
Kochs E, Treede RD, Schulte am Esch J, Bromm B (248)
Modulation of pain-related somatosensory evoked potentials by general anesthesia. Anest Analg 71, 225 230 (1990)
Bromm, B, Scharein E, Darsow U, Ring J (344)
Effects of menthol and cold on histamine-induced itch and skin reactions in man. Neurosci. Lett. 187, 157-160 (1995)
Kochs E, Scharein E, Möllenberg O, Bromm B. (364)
Analgesic efficacy of low dose ketamine. Somatosensory evoked responses in relation to subjective pain ratings. Anesthesiol. 86, 304 - 314 (1996)
Lorenz J, Beck H, Bromm B (379)
Cognitive performance, mood and experimental pain before and during morphine-induced analgesia in patients with chronic non malignant pain. Pain 73, 369 -375 (1997).
Reinert A, Treede RD, Bromm B (459)
The pain inhibiting pain effect: An electrophysiological study in humans. Brain Research 862, 103 - 110 (2000).
Darsow U, Scharein E, Simon D, Walter G, Bromm B, Ring J (501)
New aspects of itch pathophysiology: Component analysis of atopic itch using the Eppendorf Itch Questionnaire. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 124, 326-2331 (2001).
Detsch O, Kochs E, Siemers M, Bromm B, Vahle-Hinz C (517)
Increased responsiveness of cortical neurons in contrast to thalamic neurons during isoflurane-induced EEG bursts in rats. Neurosci. Letters 317, 9-12 (2002).
Brain Imaging of Pain Processing
Bromm B and Scharein E (81)
Principal component analysis of pain related cerebral potentials to mechanical and electrical stimulation in man. Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol. 53, 94 103 (1982)
Bromm B (109)
Pain-related components in the cerebral potential. Experimental and multivariate statistical approaches. In: Bromm B (ed) Pain Measurement in Man: Neurophysiological Correlates of Pain. pp 257 - 291. Elsevier Press, Amsterdam (1984).
Bromm B (148)
Neurophysiologische Korrelate des Schmerzes beim Menschen. In: Bromm B und Lübbers DW (eds) Physiologie Aktuell Vol I: Hauptvorträge der Tagungen der Deutschen Physiologischen Gesellschaft, Dortmund 1984. Gustav Fischer Verlag Stuttgart, 105 - 125 (1986).
Bromm B, Meier W, Scharein E (231)
Pre-stimulus/post-stimulus relations in EEG spectra and their modulations by an opioid and an antidepressant. Electroenceph clin Neurophysiol 73, 188 197 (1989)
Bromm B, Frieling A, Lankers J (258)
Laser-evoked potentials in patients with dissociated loss of pain and temperature sensibility. Electroenceph clin Neurophysiol 80, 284-291 (1991)
Treede RD, Lankers J, Frieling A, Zangemeister WH, Kunze K, Bromm B (268)
Cerebral potentials evoked by painful laser stimuli in patients with syringomyelia. Brain 114, 1595-1607 (1991)
Tarkka IM, Treede RD, Bromm B (289)
Sensory and movement related cortical potentials in nociceptive and auditory reaction time tasks. Acta Neurol Scand 86, 359-364 (1992)
Bromm B and Chen ACN (336)
Brain electrical source analysis of laser-evoked potentials in response to painful trigeminal nerve stimulation. Electroencephal. Clin. Neurophysiol. 95, 14-26 (1995)
Kazarians H, Scharein E, Bromm B (337)
Laser-evoked brain potentials in response to painful trigeminal nerve activation. Int. J. Neurosci. 81, 111-122 (1995)
Bromm B (339)
Consciousness, Pain, and the EEG. In: Bromm B and Desmedt J (eds), Pain and the Brain. Raven Press NY, pp 35 - 59 (1995)
Treede RD, Apkarian AV, Bromm B, Greenspan JD, Lenz FA (460)
Cortical representation of pain: Functional characterization of nociceptive areas near the lateral sulcus. Pain 87, 113 - 119 (2000)
Bromm B, Scharein E, Vahle-Hinz C (461)
Cortex areas involved in the processing of normal and altered pain. Progress in Brain Research 129, 289 - 302 (2000)
Nakamura Y, Paur R, Zimmermann R, Bromm, B (508)
Attentional modulation of human pain processing in the secondary somatosensory cortex: A magnetoencephalographic study. Neurosci. Lett. 328, 29 - 32 (2002)
Büchel C, Bornhovd K, Quante M, Glauche V, Bromm B, Weiller C (511)
Dissociable neural responses related to pain intensity, stimulus intensity, and stimulus awareness within the anterior cingulate cortex: a parametric single-trial functional magnetic resonance imaging study. J. Neurosci 22, 970-976 (2002)
Bingel U, Quante M, Knab R, Bromm B, Weiller C, Büchel C (523)
Single trial fMRI reveals significant contralateral bias in response to laser pain within thalamus and somatosensory cortices. NeuroImage 18, 740-748 (2003)
Bromm B (528)
The involvement of the posterior cingulate cortex in phasic pain processing. Neurosci. Lett. 361, 245-249 (2004)
Lorenz J, Hauck M, Paur R, Nakamura Y, Zimmermann R, Bromm B, Engel A (532)
Cortical correlates of false expectations during pain intensity judgements - a possible manifestation of placebo/nocebo cognitions. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 19, 283 - 295 (2005)
Hauck M, Bischoff P, Schmidt G, Zimmermann R, Lorenz J, Bromm B (535)
Clonidine effects on pain evoked SII activity in humans. Eur. J. Pain. 10, 757-765 (2006)
Books, Chapters, and Invited Reviews
Bromm B ed (107)
Pain Measurement in Man: Neurophysiological Correlates of Pain. Elsevier Press, Amsterdam, 532 pages (1984)
Bromm B (134)
Evoked cerebral potential and pain. In: H.L. Fields, R. Dubner and F. Cevero (eds.), Advances in Pain Research and Therapy 9, Raven Press, New York, 305 329 (1985)
Bromm B (131)
Periphere Neurophysiologie: Erregung und Erregungsleitung. In: WD. Keidel (Ed.), Lehrbuch der Physiologie, 6. Auflage, Kap 14,1- 14,50 (1985)
Bromm B (158, 159, 160a)
Physiologie Aktuell. Hauptvorträge der Tagungen der Deutschen Physiologischen Gesellschaft, Band I Dortmund 1984 (mit DW Lübbers), Band II Berlin 1985 (mit DW Lübbers), Band III Berlin 1986 (mit HP Koepchen). Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart (1985), (1986), (1987)
Bromm B (160)
Neurophysiologische Korrelate des Schmerzes beim Menschen. In: B Bromm und DW Lübbers, Physiologie Aktuell I: Hauptvorträge der Tagungen der Deutschen Physiologischen Gesellschaft, Dortmund 1984. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 105-127
Bromm B, Meyer W, Scharein E (95)
Antagonism between tilidine and naloxone on cerebral potentials and pain ratings in man. Europ. J. Pharmacol. 87, 431-440 (1983)
Bromm B (224)
Laboratory animal and human volunteer in the assessment of analgesic efficacy. In: Advances in Pain Research and Therapy, Vol 12: R.C. Chapman and H. Loeser (eds), Issues in Pain Measurement, pp 117-143, Raven Press, New York (1989)
Bromm B and Treede RD (267)
Laser evoked cerebral potentials in the diagnosis of cutaneous pain sensitivity. Rev. Neurol. (Paris) 147, 625-643 (1991)
Bromm B (257)
Cerebral potentials evoked by heat stimuli assessing cutaneous sensibility loss. In: J. S. Chopra, K. Jagannthan, I. M. S. Sawhney (eds.), Modern Trends in Neurology, 159-171, B. I. Churchill Livingstone, New Dehli (1991)
Treede RD and Bromm (267)
Neurophysiological approaches to the study of spinothalamic tract function in humans. In: K.L. Casey (ed), Pain and Central Nervous System Disease: The Central Pain Syndromes, Raven Press, New York, 117-127 (1991)
Bromm B (314)
Corticalisation of chronic pain? Am. Pain Soc. J. (APS Journal) 3, 131-135 (1994)
Bromm B and Desmedt J (338)
Pain and the Brain. From Nociception to Cognition. In: Advances in Pain Research and Therapy, Vol XXII, 584 pages, Raven Press, New York (1995)
Bromm B (378)
Laser evoked brain potentials in the assessment of pain: Methods, applications, brain source analyses. Pain Research (Tokyo) 12, 41 - 57 (1997)
Bromm B and Lorenz J (419)
Neurophysiological evaluation of pain. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 107, 227-253 (1998)
Scharein E and Bromm B (420)
The intracutaneous pain model in the assessment of analgesic efficacy. Pain Reviews 5, 184-246 (1998)
Sandkühler J, Bromm B, Gebhardt GF eds (462)
Nervous system plasticity and chronic pain. Vol. 129, Progress in Brain Research 543 pages, Elsevier (2000)
Bromm B (525)
Wie Schmerzen im Gehirn entstehen. Spektrum der Wissenschaft 4, 40-47 (2003)
Bromm B and Pawlik K Hrg (530)
Neurobiologie und Philosophie zum Schmerz. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 167 Seiten (2004)
Bromm B and Wolf JH (539)
Von der Freiheit, Schmerz zu spüren. Abhandlucten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg, Vol 7, 169 Seiten, De Gruyter, Berlin (2017)
Moovies and TV
Bromm, B. (50)
Zur Psychophysiologie des Schmerzes. Fernsehfilm ZDF, Gesundheitsmagazin, 10.7. (1978)
Bromm B Scharein E, Treede RD (172a)
Schmerzforschung am Physiologischen Institut in Hamburg VHS 1986
Bromm B et al (380a)
Pain Measurement in Man. (EEG and MEG Brain Mapping with Analgesics) 28 min VHS 1994
Bromm B et al (469)
Warum chronifiziert Schmerz? ZDF - Gesundheitsmagazin: TV-Interview mit Dr. Gerhard in Mainz, dazu Erstellung einer Life-Übertragung eines laufenden Experimentes von Hamburg nach Mainz. Freitag, 14.00-14.30 Uhr, 28.1. (2000)